Why should you eat pulses? What are the types of pulses and how exactly do you prepare them for the best health benefits? If you are interested to getting answer to these questions and you wan great recipes you can prepare from pulses, I’ll show them to you in more detail

Pulses are grains or seeds from the legume plant in the family of Fabaceae. There are many types of legumes, but in this article, we will focus on six main ones - red lentils, black lentils or beluga, mung beans, red beans, chickpeas and mix lentils, which I think are the most important from a nutritional point of view. Let´s see how to cook them and my favorite recipes.
Nutritional point
Pulses are an inexpensive source of plant-based protein, low in fat and rich in soluble fiber, complex carbohydrates and vitamins. When you combine pulses with whole grain you will have all the essential amino acids that great source of protein, which is also vegan.
Most people avoid eating legumes because they can cause digestive problems. Here are some tips for better digestibility. You can soak the legumes and cook them in clean water. Cook them with Kombu seaweed or add some spices as fennel, cumin, coriander or ginger. If you are not used to eating legumes, include them in your diet gradually and in small portions. For example, I started with a red lentils with curcuma and ginger and I immediately liked the taste.
“Pulses are an inexpensive source of protein, low in fat and rich in soluble fiber, complex carbohydrates and vitamins.”
Red Lentils
Red lentils are tiny, reddish-orange legumes that cook quickly. It is not necessary to soak them in advance, just rinse well under running water. During cooking, they become mushy, therefore they are often used to thicken dishes. I cook them with a pinch of salt, a small teaspoon of turmeric and sometimes I add a pinch of coriander to taste. If I want to have lentils for a bite, for example in salads or as a side dish, I cook for 15 minutes. There are 2 parts of water per part of lentils. If you want to achieve a thicker consistency and use red lentils, for example on a dhal, I cook them for up to 30 minutes with 3 parts water.
Soaking time - not necessary
Cooking time - 15 minutes
Best dishes from them - Minestrone soup, red lentils dhal
Red Beans or Kidney Beans
These beans got their name for having a similar shape and color to the human kidney. This type of bean must be soaked in water for at least 5 hours and it is important to cook them really well before serving. Thanks to their taste and texture, they are suitable for Mexican cuisine like tacos or chili, or even for a sweet recipes. You can prepare vegan brownies to enrich your menu.
Soaking time - 5 hours
Cooking time - 30 minutes
Best dishes from them - tacos, sweet brownies
Chickpeas or chick pea also known as garbanzo beans have a nutty taste and thanks to this texture, you can combine it in plenty recipes. Besides fiber, chickpeas are a great source of folic acid and iron so they´re recommended for pregnant women. For preparation you will need to leave them overnight for 8 to 12 hours to absorb water and swell. Then you cook them for around 30 minutes. Use 3 part of watter for 1 part of chickpeas. After cooking, you can use them whole, for example on salad, or mash them to a creamy consistency. I love to mix them with avocado for Avotoast, prepare a hummus or for veggie burgers.
Soaking time - 8-12 hours
Cooking time - 30 minutes
Best dishes - Hummus, or veggie burgers
Tricolor Lentils
If you want more taste and color, combine 3 types of lentils together. For cooking I usually add cumin, coriander and turmeric. I like this combination as a side dish or for a soup.
Soaking time - not necessary
Cooking time - 30 minutes
Best dishes - Side dish in combination with spinach, Halloumi salad or for soup
Black Lentils
Black lentils, or Beluga, you can cook quickly, black lentils hold their shape and have a nice texture and taste. It is not necessary to soak them in advance. For every 1 part of black lentils you will need 2 parts of water. I cook them with a pinch of salt and bay leaf for around 30 minutes. I love the combination of black lentils with bulgur as a salad or side dish, or use them in combination with meat and vegetables.
Soaking time - not necessary
Cooking time - 30 minutes
Best dishes - Bulgur salad, side dish wiht meet and vegetables
Mung Beans
Mung beans, also known as green gram, are small dark green beans, with a slightly sweet taste and you can buy them dry or fresh as sprouts. For sprouting, you will find a whole article.
Mung beans are rich in essential amino acides, vitamins and antioxidants (e.g vitexin and isovitexin) which reduce inflammation and thus the risk of chronic diseases. You can use them in a salad, as a side dish or let them germinate to enhance the nutrition. I personally love them germinated for 5 days and adding them to Avotoast for a brunch.
Soaking time - not necessary
Cooking time - 30 minutes
Best dishes - Fresh germinated mung beans in salad or on the top of Avotoast
My tip
Try to prepare a meal with pulses at least 1-2 times per week. They are a great basic ingredient for various food combinations. They can be prepared the day before, so you can have a quick lunch or dinner full of energy, but it does not burden your digestion. So what do you say, will you try them too? Do you have a favorite recipe you want to share? I will be very glad if you write to me!