This quinoa dessert is my first sweet quinoa recipe, so I am looking forward, what you will tell :-)
I prepared this recipe in season of figs and I chose them not only for their great taste, but also for their health benefits. You can of course choose any fruit for this recipe, according to your preferences and season. Raspberries or blackberries in the summer or pears and baked apples in the winter are suitable for this recipe too. So let´s enjoy all these different variations!

125 g of quinoa - 1/2 vol of standart tea cup
200 ml of quality greek yogurt
80 % dark chocolate
Fresh figs bio quality
As usual with my recipe, you can prepare vegan version with almond or coconut yogurt and use also vegan dark chocolate.
Preparation time: 15 minutes
Portion: for 2 people
Designation: Vegetarian, gluten-free, no added sugar
As you can see in previous blog post, the basic cereal - quinoa is the same as for stuffed peppers, and it is did in purpose! You already know that I try to applicate some zero waste ideas in my kitchen, so when I had more quinoa as needed for stuffed peppers, I tried to use them in another way instead of throw it away.
I have been tempted by a sweet quinoa recipe for a long time, but only now did I have the opportunity to try it. In this recipe, I liked to cook the quinoa a little longer in plant-based milk, so that its texture and taste really resemble more of a pudding. My husband likes sweet desserts, but bakings and sweets is not that much my think, so I tried to find some compromise by this recipe :-)
This dessert is quick, the sweet chocolate flavor is nutritionally balanced by the quinoa and yogurt, and because it's in my favorite glasses container, it can be enjoyed the next day too.
Nutritional point
Unique purple fruit that resemles a teardrop. Fresh figs are relatively low in calories and contains variety vitamins. On the other hand, dried figs have a much higher sugar and calorie content. Consumption of fresh figs has a beneficial effect on our digestion. Figs are recommended for digestive problems, especially constipation.
The reason is that figs are a great source of fibre and prebiotis. You may have heard of probiotics, right? Probiotics we called foods or suplements that contain live bacteria which are beneficial for us because they maintain or improve the microflora in our body. Prebiotics, on the other hand, are substances that our body cannot digest and serve as food for these beneficial bacteria.
Dark chocolate
80% dark chocolate contains 20% sugar and the rest is Cocoa. Cocoa is rich in antioxidants, zinc, magnesium and iron. Eating quality dark chocolate in moderation also increases our performance and ability to concentrate.
"Figs are recommended for digestive problems, especially constipation. The reason is that figs are a great source of fibre and prebiotis. "

Rinse the quinoa under running water and then boil 1 part quinoa to 2 parts water for 15 minutes.
This procedure is identical to the recipe for stuffed bell peppers. If you see that the amount of quinoa is more than you will use, I recommend removing a portion after 10 minutes for further use in the pudding. In this case, I then cooked for another 5 minutes in almond milk.
Then melt the dark chocolate in a water bath or boil the chocolate with a spoonful of coconut oil.
In glass containers, prepare the first layer of cooked quinoa, then yogurt and finally cover with chocolate so that it spreads to all the layers.
Add chopped figs to the melted chocolate and garnish with mint leaves. Enjoy!
My tip
Due to it´s sweet taste, this dessert is for us more for some festive occasions like some friends visit or when we really want to treat ourselves to something sweet but healhty. It is important to use high-quality white yogurt in the combination, so that your sugar level will be regulated in the longer term and the dessert will give you enough energy and necessary nutrients in the same time.